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为全面总结学院贯彻落实习近平总书记“3·18”重要讲话精神三年来所取得的成绩,Plan and deploy the next key work of college ideological and political course,On the afternoon of March 15th,马克思主义学院在良乡文三楼615会议室组织召开新时代思政课改革与创新暨践行习近平总书记“3·18”重要讲话精神三周年研讨会,The meeting will be conducted online and offline。Liu Cunfu, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College, Liu Xingang, President of the College, Liu Yu, Vice president of the Party Committee, Jiang Dawei, vice president of the College, directors of the teaching and research departments, representatives of professors and representatives of young teachers attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Ji Yu, assistant dean of the College of Marxism。

Liu Cunfu first conveyed the spirit of the school's recent work conference, conveyed the work instructions of Secretary Zhao Changlu and President Zhang Jun, and put forward requirements for the construction of ideological and political lessons: First, integrate the spirit of the two sessions into the ideological and political lessons in a timely manner, and integrate the Party's latest spirit into classroom teaching through collective lesson preparation and other ways。The second is to continue to carry out Yan 'an spirit into the horse courtyard activities, according to the actual planning to arrange Yan 'an spirit into the classroom activities, to enhance the attractiveness and effectiveness of the classroom。The third is to tighten the ideological string, strictly check the teaching content and maintain a good teaching order。

江大伟汇报了学院践行习近平总书记“3·18”重要讲话精神三年来所取得的成绩,He improved the political position and strengthened the top-level design,Seize key forces and build a strong team,Adhere to the eight phases of unity, promote ideological and political curriculum reform and innovation,Give full play to theoretical advantages and serve the overall situation of national development。Professor Cui Jianxia and Sun Li respectively gave keynote speeches on the construction of the school's case center, curriculum ideology and politics, and ideological and political courses。The directors of the teaching and research departments made speeches on curriculum construction, teaching reform and innovation, system construction, combination of teaching and scientific research, curriculum assessment, and college support and guarantee。

Liu Xinguang fully affirmed the "real problems" raised by everyone in teaching, and replied to these problems and needs one by one on the spot, clarified solutions and measures, and deployed the special work of the construction of the school's ideological and political course。In the next step, the college will set up a case teaching center to promote the construction of the case base of ideological and political teaching, further coordinate with the Department of Educational Affairs to promote the ideological and political curriculum and curriculum ideological and political construction, put an end to formalism, and effectively promote and improve the supervision of ideological and political courses。He hopes that everyone will strictly demand themselves according to the "six requirements" standard, constantly improve their ideological level, comprehensive quality and professional ability, and make new contributions to the high-quality development of ideological and political courses in the new era。